Soulstones are tiny glass spheres, designed to house souls. The Soulstone spell is what a necromancer uses to imprison a soul, and later release it. Souls can be gathered from anything that was recently killed, but its easiest to gather and store souls from humans, or other intelligent lifeforms.

When a living thing dies, it’s body ceases to protect its soul. Without protection, the Astral will eventually rip the soul from the world of the living. When a necromancer finds a dead body with a soul still inside it, he can use a Soulstone spell to store that soul.

A Soulstone protects the soul much like its living body once did. Necromancers generally carry several Soulstones with them. When a soul is released from a Soulstone, the Astral takes immediate notice. This is how necromancers summon spirits.

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