Healers can cure poison. They can mend broken bones and damaged organs. They can replenish a warrior’s stamina and heal their wounds. At advanced levels, healers can learn to work with barriers of force to protect themselves or others. Until they become quite skilled, healers are required to touch those they wish to heal. Fortunately, spells from this school can be cast in armor up to mail.
General Note: In Citadel of the Fallen, we see healing magic through Conner’s point of view. Instead of cluttering every healing scene with spell names, I opted to use very general terms when discussing healing magic. I felt this approach would deliver a more organic experience for the reader. In the WIKI, however, I’m choosing to break things down to a more granular level.
- Banishment
- Breakward
- Cure Poison
- Dispel (Healing)
- Lifeshield
- Mend
- Refresh
- Restorative Touch
- Sympathetic Pain
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